Does Telemarketing still work?
We find out what it takes to be a telemarketer today from MHE’s top performing staff

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘telemarketing’? For most, it would mean receiving a random call from strangers whose only intention is to introduce and sell their products, which can be off-putting at times. However, is this all there is to telemarketing, and more importantly – does this method still work?
Just ask Nora and Thitima, MHE – a Jebsen & Jessen brand’s top performing telemarketers for the company’s hand pallet truck, both of which have their share of stories to tell. Nora, who is attached to MHE Malaysia explains that it was not an easy journey to get to where she is now as a top telemarketer, and that there was more to it than just making phone calls.
“Besides making calls, I also need to raise purchase orders (PO), prepare invoices, liaise with the warehouse on delivery requirements and dates, as well as follow up with customers on the delivery status of the products,” she says.

Thitima, who is attached to MHE Thailand relates her experience with a customer that did not start off on a pleasant note at first. “I had this tough customer who gave me the cold shoulder when I first contacted her. She eventually turned into great acquaintance even after she left her initial company, but she continues to purchase from us without fail,” Thitima says.
As with any job, there are hiccups and obstacles that prevent both women from carrying out their tasks smoothly – this is where they would both go above and beyond their job requirements to assist customers and ensure complaints are well taken care of to regain their trust.
To fulfill their yearly sales KPI, these dedicated telemarketers need to make approximately 20-30 calls a day on top of their daily tasks. This is not always a smooth-sailing experience, especially when contacting new customers.
“Most of the time we are turned down without given the chance to explain further, so the only way I can make sure they have our company details is by sending an email to the person in charge,” Nora adds. She also takes the time to search for new leads and potential customers on the internet.
There were also instances where customers turned Nora and Thitima away but returned their calls a few days later to enquire about MHE’s products and services. “We scratch our heads at times like this, but generally feel overjoyed because we know a returned call is close to 100% success rate,” Thitima shares.
From left: : Ms. Nora, in MHE’s Bukit Raja lobby, right: Ms. Thitima posing in MHE’s Thailand Headquarter.
Despite the challenges, they are grateful for the support received from both customers and colleagues over the years. “Once I received a heart-warming compliment from a customer who thanked me for going all out in assisting them although they didn’t buy the product from me. The gratitude shown was beyond words,” Nora says.
Both Nora and Thitima agree that sincerity and self-motivation play a big part in performing well on the job, on top of good product knowledge, which they have mastered in all their years of experience.
So, the question remains – does telemarketing still work? To Nora and Thitima, and all of us at MHE, our answer is a resounding “Yes!”. The next time you receive a call from a telemarketer, never underestimate the work put in by the voice behind the phone – they have diligently put in their hours to search for leads and ways to attend to customers’ needs without meeting them face-to-face and charm them with their pitch.
If you receive a call from MHE, please do not turn us away. It could be Nora or Thitima on the other side of the phone, waiting to connect with you in the most sincere and cheerful way.
Thank you, Nora and Thitima, for your devoted service to MHE throughout the years!